My dad believes he’s receiving prophecy from God. Is he right, or is it psychosis?

This started back in the spring of 2023 when he was beginning to get into Bible prophecy and eschatology. He says that he felt God say “read my word.” He took this to be a command, so he started reading the Bible daily. Then he heard “evangelize.” Shortly after this, he says he had a couple of rough weeks leading up to Easter, and he felt like he had fire burning inside him. He felt like the rapture was imminent and the tribulation was about to begin. After Easter, the burning feeling and urgency subsided, but he kept the feeling that the end times were imminent over the next two years.

Now he says it’s happening again, but he prayed for the gift of prophecy and he believes he has it.

First, he was very anxious about the Trump tariffs when they were announced (he’s Canadian). But he heard God tell him “trust me,” and the very same day they were delayed.

Then, this past Sunday he “hit a breaking point.” He got the word “TRUTH,” specifically in all caps. Then on Monday he got the word “watchman,” and he was led to Ezekiel 3:17: “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning for me.” He decided to fast from social media and news for 7 days after that. He started to pray for a dream or a vision.

Next, on Tuesday night, he “had a horrible sleep and was given a whole download of stuff and woke up knowing what I needed to do: write a book and get on a podcast to share my story.” He started writing things down and met with his pastor, who thought it was a good idea and thinks the prophecy he’s experiencing is real. But then he was told by God: “Wait. You haven’t seen anything yet.”

Now this is when things get really weird. At night, he began repeating a prayer for God to take over his mind and give him a clear vision of what God wants him to do. He says he started to feel a “mushiness” in his mind, like “God’s hands were on his brain.” He felt “relaxed like he was unconscious, but still aware, like in a trance state.” He later fell asleep and woke up in the morning feeling like he had an “unusually good sleep,” but he didn’t have the vision he prayed for. However, he realized his Apple Watch didn’t record any sleep data for the night, which had never happened before. The following night (last night), God told him this happened because “he took me,” and “everything is about to be revealed.” Then he recalls how his mom had sent him a message a couple days ago saying “remember how I told you everything will be revealed.” Apparently this is something she had told him she had heard from God 25 years ago, along with “beware the yellow man.”

He’s not sure himself that this is real. He told me “either I have completely lost my mind and should be immediately institutionalized, or I am a prophet.” But every time he questions it in his mind, God tells him that he “died last night” and “took” him and gave him “all the information he needs,” and it “will be revealed soon.” He thinks that possibly means tonight.

For context, my dad has been a regular cannabis user for the past several years, and he suffered a severe traumatic brain injury when he was a teenager. He has permanent damage to his prefrontal cortex, which makes him impulsive. He is in his 50s now. He told me that he heard the voice of God for a while after his injury, but it stopped and hasn’t happened for decades. Also, he seems to believe that a lot of this prophecy he has yet to fully receive involves the Trump administration. And despite being Canadian, he is very pro-Trump (and especially Elon Musk).

Does this sound like it could actually be prophecy from God? Obviously this is not a medical or psychiatric sub; I am not asking for speculation on what specifically may be happening if it’s not prophecy. I’m generally a cessationist, although I do believe miracles still happen and the Holy Spirit “speaks” to people, in a sense. But this seems like something different. Based on everything, I’m inclined to think this is some form of mild psychotic episode.