How you gonna fire me when I quit?
Last night, my manager gave the “talk” once again in front of a customer and then the customer started yelling at me. “Why the fuck you rationing? Don’t play with me right now, give me my fucking steak that I’m going to pay for, (the n word with the hard R.”
I’m Asian btw.
I gave her like five more pieces of chicken, which made the cashier ring her up as double protein lmao. Then the argument started. Lots of slurs were used, the whole thing felt like a fever dream.
I took my apron off, said I quit, and just clocked out. A big ass line was forming and there were only four employees on board, one of which was on break. I was not gonna be dealing with this shit anymore. Tell me why this morning, I received a termination email? Wasn’t it a resignation? Does it even matter which one it was? Thanks.