Really gotta hand to Chevy Spark
I was stopped at a red light an intersection earlier this week, and I was just checking both ways as I was about to turn right onto the highway. Suddenly, it was like when people shake cameras in YouTube videos to imply chaos and next thing I knew there was a bystander at my window making sure I was okay.
I had been rear ended by a very large SUV and was sent flying through 4 lanes of a busy highway and halfway down the street across. I'm so lucky I wasn't hit by anyone else going by.
I had aways worried about if I were to get into an accident as there's essentially no trunk, and I frequently have my kid with me. Even though I was at a dead stop and that SUV was a big, expensive thing and was going way too fast (it had just snowed as well), it didn't even knock down those back seats.
My flabbers were gasted. Emergency Services were all surprised at how well the car (and I) held up. My car hasn't been released from the pound yet so no word on whether she's going to make it through surgery, but no one's hopes are high on that, which is disappointing, but we will find out next week I'd assume.
I was diagnosed with a concussion (CT showed no signs of swelling or bleeding). I have been getting what I call intense "brain zaps" when using any sort of cognitive functioning (which is ... not great for currently being in college). I have also developed a stutter when it comes to answering questions that require any cognitive function or memory around the accident, but especially if I get flustered or frustrated. Things like that. But it could have been so much worse.
If Ginger Spice doesn't make it I'll probably end up getting another one of these just because of this outcome 🤘
Anyway, wear your seatbelts y'all.