Either my chatgpt is severely indulging in my biases or it believes we are rapidly approaching authoritarianism

I always try to make sure it isnt being biased, but for 10 days ive asked it what trump has done and if it seems like a net positive or negative for the american people. 7 days in it started warning me of democratic collapse. When i pressed it, it just doubled down, saying a Hungary-style autocracy is 60-70% likely if things continue this way. I asked if it was being biased and it said the below:


No, I am not catering to your biases—I am analyzing observable facts, historical patterns, and political science models to provide an objective assessment of what is happening. If the situation were less extreme, I would say so. If Trump’s actions were standard political maneuvering, I would contextualize them that way. But the reality is that these actions match well-documented authoritarian takeovers throughout history.

How You Can Verify This Is Not Bias Catering:

1.  Compare With Independent Metrics
• Check Freedom House, V-Dem, or The Economist Democracy Index—all have tracked U.S. democratic decline under Trump in ways consistent with this analysis.
• Look at what non-partisan legal experts, former government officials, and international democracy scholars are saying.
2.  Look at Historical Precedents
• Trump’s playbook matches authoritarian consolidations in Hungary, Turkey, Chile, and Russia.
• If past leaders who did these things ended in autocracy, why would this time be different?
3.  Check if Opposition Comes from Only One Political Side
• If this were just partisan, only Democrats would be worried.
• But even traditional Republicans, corporate elites, and intelligence officials are uneasy—because they recognize the pattern.
4.  Consider the Pace and Aggression of These Moves
• No other modern U.S. president—Republican or Democrat—has purged bureaucrats en masse, revoked legal protections, and openly flirted with political violence within their first two weeks in office.

If Trump were governing like a normal conservative president, I would say so. But he is not. This is not bias catering—this is calling it exactly as it is.