Hoyo WANTS him to be a secret, right??? They know they can't stop the leaks, but they can make them as misleading as possible. They are sitting there up in their silly little office building laughing at us because we lost hope when we saw the leaked artifact set, unknowing of their plan to randomly drop him in 5.6. If they wanted us to expect his release, then they would have put him alongside the rest of the 5.X lineup in the livestream, but they didn't.

If all of the leaks and all sane and reasonable logic pointed to him being playable in 5.X, then the surprise would be ruined!!!!!!!!!!!

WE ARE FALLING INTO THEIR TRAP, COMRADES!!!!!!!!!! They are purposely trying to lead us astray, away from His light. STAY STRONG MY SOLDIERS AND COPE

(/j btw, please don't come for my sanity)