The Tomb Main EE Guide

  • Open doors up to the Dark Aether

  • Obtain Ice Staff

    • Kill first Shock Mimic to get Monocle
    • Near Deadshot and Death Perception there are murals with an archer and a bull. To get symbols to spawn on the murals, the purple Aether lantern needs to be lit on the torch closest to the mural. If it’s not in the right position, shoot the torch and it will respawn after some time at another torch. Keep doing this until it spawns at the one that triggers the symbols. The symbols are Roman numerals and must be shot in sequential order (1-8 for one and 1-10 for the other). After all symbols are shot, 5 waves of enemies will spawn. Kill them and you’ll get a staff piece. Repeat at the other mural
    • Assemble staff at the center of Dark Aether area. Defend staff from zombies.
  • Upgrade the Ice Staff

    • Shoot three purple fire lanterns with the Ice Staff within 10 seconds to get a quote from Archibald (move lanterns to an ideal spot to get 3 in 10 secs)
    • Three purple symbols will spawn on floating rocks in Dark Aether. Shoot all three to trigger next step. Take note of the three symbols.
    • One of the four portals will close off. Exit through a different portal and go to the closed off one. Shoot the three symbols from the rocks with the Ice Staff. Portal will open. Go through.
    • Interact with purple orb in front of you. It will travel around the Dark Aether. You must stay close to it and kill enemies to charge it. Do not stray from the orb or it will time out.
    • Once the orb reaches the center it will complete the step and you can interact with the Ice Staff to upgrade it.
  • Charge 4 Dark Aether pillars.

    • Underneath each pillar is a stone with a special enemy type. Shoot the stone with the Staff revive shot. It will awaken the crystal which you can grab. Take the energy outside of the Dark Aether to the respective enemies pedestal
    • Vermin: take energy to vermin pedestal in spawn. Kill vermin that spawn in to charge energy. Once charged, take the energy back to the pedestal in the Dark Aether.
    • Parasite: pedestal is near Stamin-Up. Killing Parasites will drop purple orbs. Pick them up and place on pedestal to charge. Once done, return charge to DA.
    • Doppelghast: pedestal near Speed Cola. Kill Doppelghasts to charge. Return charge to DA.
    • Amalgam: Near Quick Revive. Kill red Amalgam to charge. Amalgam will create energy shield connected to zombies that need to be killed to break shield.
  • Once all four pillars are charged, platform will spawn to cross to Sentinel Artifact. Activate to start boss fight

  • Boss fight: Wonder Weapons and explosives do no damage. Must use a bullet weapon (XM4 with extended mag is great). Artifact will circle the middle pedestal. Once it goes from red to purple, shoot it with enough damage to break a part of its health. The Artifact will spin in a circle and shoot out lasers. The lasers stun you and do a ton of damage. After each damage tick, an additional mirror will spawn. After enough damage is done, an enemy will spawn with the Artifact on its body and chase you. This enemy does immense damage if it hits you. Kill the enemy and continue shooting the Artifact when it goes purple. Once down to low enough health it will start a wipe attack. You must do enough damage to destroy it before it can activate the wipe attack.

Boss Fight Strat:

• ⁠the artifact starts as one and will circle the arena with a laser beam. The laser beam will stun you, shred your armor, and do massive damage to you so avoid it at all costs. The Artifact will float up and down. Each time it goes up a wave of zombies will spawn. I stand in the middle of the arena and just keep using charged Ice staff shots. Eventually one of the times it goes up it’ll turn purple. Shoot a charged ice staff to fend off zombies then switch to bullet weapon and shoot the back of the artifact (the front might work but I’ve always shot the back of it). Keep laying into it and it’ll eventually do a burst and a tick of damage will go down.

• ⁠after the first tick the artifact will split into two. Same pattern as before. Once it goes up and purple lay into one of them. Once the first breaks then immediately shift to the second. If you can get both in one go it’ll split into four. If you only break one it’ll split into three. Each break is a tick of damage.

• ⁠once you get to three or four splits the artifact will start spawning in the arena and a random enemy will spawn in and pick it up. This part is incredibly difficult. The artifact enemy has a massively increased health bar and will shred your armor and all but insta kill you if you get hit by it. I find a charged ice staff shot and then using your bullet weapon does good work. Watch out for the lasers from the artifacts in the middle during this. Once the artifact enemy is killed the artifact will drop and it will turn purple. Shoot this one (ignore the middle artifacts). Repeat this process over until the damage has ticked down to the last piece. The hard part is that it switches the enemy type each time and if you get a Doppelghast you can get shredded so quickly because of how fast they are.

• ⁠at the last tick of damage is when it will begin the wipe attack. Just shoot it as much as you can and hope you hit the DPS check.

Some helpful tips to getting setup:

  • shoot the two waterfalls in the Dark Aether with a cryofreeze weapon to spawn a blue Aether tool.

  • shoot a floating rock in Dark Aether to cause multiple rocks to start spinning around the arena. Shoot all the spinning rocks before they start moving again to spawn a PAP crystal (this will also spawn cryofreeze so if you do this first you don’t have to spend salvage for the waterfall EE).

Doing both of these can get your starting weapon PAP’d and at blue rarity for free as soon as you first enter the DA. Then you can focus points on triple PAP and perks.