What are some "cursed" EEs for you?

Ever attempted a certain EE billions of times, to no avail?

Join the club.

Despite having been out for nearly 10 years, I have yet to complete the DE EE due to bossfight and connection problems.

Same deal with Voyage! And Terminus! And GK!

The first Outbreak EE used to be on this list (except I was fortunate enough to have incredible help very recently). The stress I have experienced nearly made me lose hope.

90% of the time, it's a skill issue, but even with 15+ attempts, employing many methods and strats, I've decided it's just not meant to be.

It's funny, I've done eggs that are much harder than these ones yet I can't seem to escape the PTSD they've given me and actually be successful.

I'd love to hear others' cursed maps!