The quality of posts in this subreddit is outright dogshit
The sheer amount of randirona which is done is actually mind-boggling, I open this subreddit thinking that finally for once I'll see a guy showing off a cool project, people offering/asking for genuine advise or someone speaking about their experience learning about engineering or any other skill. BUT Nahhhhhhh....
I opened r/Btechtards and as I am writing this post, the first 10 posts are about loneliness, depression, side hustles (okay some validity there), a guy with a back, a guy with 15 backs, suicide, people complaining about their college crowd, people complaining about their college life and a lot more RR
I get it. Topics such as loneliness, depression, suicide and complains about college are all valid and you guys deserve to be heard. But the problem arises when these types of posts outnumber genuine quality posts and in the case of this particular subreddit quality posts are outnumbered by a huge margin.
Also a certain portion of posts/comments is just crap. Especially the comments perceiving students of tier-2/3 colleges as good-for-nothing rich brats. I've seen that particular comment enough times to make a mention about it. Yeah some people like to have fun and have more money than you, no need to cry about it.
Now, I see the irony here. A RR post complaining about RR. Yeah, funny.
but for fuck's sake this is an engineering students subreddit not a subreddit to vent out every annoyance which comes to your mind! There are not enough people talking about actual engineering or learning or topics in general and that's concerning!
PS: Fellow ladies and gentlemen of tier-2/3/apple/banana or whatever tier your college belongs to. Have some self-respect and confidence. Just because you couldn't clear one exam in your life to get to your dream college doesn't mean your life is over. No point debating about "oh the IITian got a headstart for his career" or "IITians in general are more successful" that's all BS, there are loads of people out there who actually deserve a seat somewhere better because of their skills but had to settle for something else, I personally had the luck to a meet a few cracked and hard-working people and looking at their abilities, they are already much ahead of many people in the race.