In my opinion Francesca loves John

One issue that upsets many people about Francesca and Michaela is how they feel that Francesca’s love for John is dismissed, made dirty, her reaction to Michaela feeling like slap in the face, how she fought for having John only to end up falling in love with Michaela at the end of the show, John’s just a stepping stone to her great lovestory etc. etc.

I get why people feel that way. But I don’t agree. I don’t see that her being disappointed with the kiss tells us she doesn’t love John. I don’t see her falling in love with Michaela but having a strong attraction, that was shown because Michaela will be her endgame.

Her reaction to Michaela was like Violet said she had with Edmund. But Violet also told her other child (Colin) that she and Edmund were friends first. So, what in my opinion happened was that Violet described her love for Edmund to Francesca and Francesca was confused and a bit disappointed, not feeling the same. Meeting Michaela made her stunned like Violet described, because she will be her second love, with whom she has the passion that is lacking with John. Violet had it all with Edmund, Francesca has two different kinds of love. Neither is less or more than the other.

In the book it wasn’t overwhelming love and passion with John when they met, it wasn’t what Violet described, and that is where Show Francesca is now.

From Chapter 2

“She often wondered if part of her attraction to John had been the simple fact that he removed her from the chaos that was so often the Bridgerton household. Not that she didn’t love him; she did. She adored him with every last breath in her body. He was her kindred spirit, so like her in so many ways. But it had, in a strange sort of fashion, been a relief to exit her mother’s home, to escape to a more serene existence with John, whose sense of humor was precisely like hers. He understood her, he anticipated her. He completed her. It has been the oddest sensation when she’d met him, almost as if she were a jagged puzzle piece finally finding its mate. Their first meeting hadn’t been one of overwhelming love or passion, but rather filled with the most bizarre sense that she’d finally found the one person with whom she could completely be herself.“

And I do trust Julia Quinn when she asked the fans to grant her and Shondaland’s team some faith as they move forward. They will end up with two stories, one on page and one on screen, and they will both be beautiful and moving. That means Francesca’s love for John will be honored.