We still live together but broke up?
My ex (23F) broke up with me (25M) 2 days ago after 11 months because we were having issues for months that just couldn’t get resolved in that short amount of time. I take responsibility for my issues that were a driving cause in it. It was my own personal B.S that pushed her away and finally decided to call it. To put it short, I was not fully there and fully committed because my mind was not focused on her all the time and was elsewhere. But regardless she broke up with me and I respect her decision to look out for her own well being and I realized that this is the catalyst to change since I have a lot of issues on my plate that need to get resolved before I can ever get back in a relationship. That being said, we love together. And she told me she is leaving Cali to go pursue her dreams of leaving this state and go into politics. Totally respect it and even encourage her because she always wanted this. She seemed very happy the first day but after sitting down and talking about her time frame of leaving which is in 2 months from now and boundaries, I saw the reality starting to hit her. I am still very hurt and heartbroken because I feel like I am to blame for all this and I am feeling alot of uncertainty and grief. I began sleeping in the living room and her the room and just trying to keep my distance. But she wants me to sleep in the room still and today she was trying to kiss me and be intimate without the words and expressions of love like before. She told me since we only have 2 months together, she doesn’t want it to be weird and sad. I think she reasons that its okay to kiss and even sleep together because in 2 months she will be gone. It feels kind of weird and I feel extremely bad for her since she has no family living near by she can turn to and I know she must feel alone and isolated and I don’t know what to do or how to act. Any advice please? And any questions are welcome for more details.