Boomer angry at children’s hospitals

Basically the title. My boomers watch Fox and the commercials always give me a bit of a laugh for how disingenuous they are (MAGAwashing phone companies or even solar panels by shoving “patriot” in front).

One ad I see frequently is for a children’s hospital. I know nothing about this hospital or if there’s anything actually shady about it (I assume most advertisers on Fox have something shifty going on), but a line absolutely enraged my male boomer. The vilifying statement? No children should go through cancer. A truthful and solemn statement.

He went into a tirade along the lines of: “As if cancer is an amazing thing when it happens to adults? Give me a break” He went on to go on about how he never donates to charities because you don’t know where their money is actually going.

It will never cease to amaze me how rapidly and how dramatically Fox has grinded the empathy out of these empty shells of hate we have to call people. Anyone else experiencing this phenomenon?