Disabling Bluetooth on a set of Edifier Luna's (e25HD)
While the issue is probably contrary to this particular sub's premise, I couldn't find a better one. Hope no-one gets offended.
Own a set of Edifier Luna Eclipse HD's. Nice speakers for the size, except, as per the manual, you can't turn off Bluetooth. And there's no PIN. Edifier's support confirmed that much.
Did I mention I live in an apartment building? Some deranged neighbour is connecting to them Bluetooth speakers every evening and, when they're in good spirits, blasts random music through it. Otherwise it just "beeps" all around whenever they connect/reconnect, or pair/unpair, which is a lot.
Seeing as how I can't control my speakers, I don't know their MAC or whatever. So I can only guess who that might be in a 12 story building. And I honestly have no idea. Going door-to-door and asking whether they have a habit of connecting to their neighbours speakers is a tad out there.
One can reset the BT session, but all that achieves is that they connect once again 2 minutes later. It's been going on for quite some time and honestly it's kinda getting on my nerves.
Do I put the speakers in some sort of Faraday cage? Do I burn down the building? Are there any factory undocumented Edifier cheat codes?
Help me. Thank you.
E: Putting out a printed note for everyone to see to NOT CONNECT to certain set of speakers would likely reinforce the abuse of speakers in question.
E: What it looks like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOwcrNXDUak