Little tip for tomb boss fight

Hey guys I've finally done the easter egg a total of 3 times without using glitches or hand cannon.

The hardest part is when elites start picking up the relic, it's chaos yes but fully manageable my biggest tips are.

-Utilize the tables under the stairs, the elites have to climb up too so they can damage you (unless they pull you but since they are close it's very rare), spam ice staff while doing so

  • RUN! And run one way only and stay together if in a group, keep those staffs spamming ice charge to slow them down, use the tables but don't hang around one table too long.RUN

  • lasers will barely ever hit you if ever when on bottom level under stairs, don't hesitate to run to the next table

  • I go in with pap3 legend ASG dragons breath, pap2 is enough but with pap3 you can easily break the shards and carry people who fall off.

Be over prepared than under prepared.