I’ve gotta get this off my chest.

Alright with all of the carnivore craze going on over the past couple years I switched from a dairy free diet to drinking raw milk kefir, to then drinking raw milk and eating raw cheese.

Honestly, I absolutely love the milk, though i get little bumps on the back of my arms and my boobs get realllyy big during my period. I know that it has to do with the milk bc it only happens when I drink it and goes away with I don’t. (Having some other associations with it as well, but it could be linked to other dietary stuff)

Last month I went dairy free again intuitively, I wasn’t craving raw milk like I typically would, and I felt fine. I recently went back on the raw milk train and my body lovveeess it, I went though a liter in a dayz It was amazing. BUT let me tell you…the farts… they are no joke. I legit take a sip of the milk and it’s already coming out of the other end.

This can’t just be me. I know that there has to be a bunch of raw milk drinkers farting around town all day. And if they aren’t, then maybe I should just call it a L and get of the dairy for good.

Is anyone out there that hears me? Why can’t I just enjoy my milk in peace.