Why do you think she is faking?

I know next to nothing about tourette syndrome. Not real life, everyday TS.

I enjoy specific trash tv, especially when it encompasses things I can research and learn about.

I have several autoimmune diseases, some that are "invisible." I will fight for anyone with an "invisible" disease, or a disease that really can't be proven... and a lot of that is because what i have been through. Ultimately, I got "proof" but fuck literally everyone along the way that fought against me. Yeah, a super active 16 year old teenager girl, involved in activities OUT THE ASS, wants to pretend to have debilitating symptoms, restricting her involvement, sounds right...

That being said, I now have seen many things saying that Baylen is faking. I want to know why you think that she is faking, what is it that she does that says to you that is fake? And also, why? Why would she do this?

I'm not young, please do not say of course she is faking and why wouldn't she for likes... I want to retain my sliver of hope for humanity.

ETA: I do not think she is faking. Just in case that isn't clear.