Cassettes on Bandcamp

Attention Audio Tape Lovers and Creators!

This post is dedicated to all of you who have a passion for audio tapes. Yesterday, I had to lock a post because people were dropping their Bandcamp links without any description, genre tags, or the original poster asking for them. I don't want to come across as harsh and I believe cassettes are an interesting enough medium to deserve their own dedicated post. So, here's your chance to shine! However, please do NOT just drop a link.

How to Properly Reply:

  • Tag Your Genre: Let everyone know what style of music you create.
  • Include a Short Bio: If you're new to this sub, please introduce yourself! People want to get to know you.
  • Write About Your Music and Creative Process: Share the story behind your music.
  • Explain Why You Chose to Release on Cassettes: Give us some insight into your choice of medium.

Please note that if you just drop a link, your reply will be removed. Put some effort into your replies!