I wish I NEVER told anyone name options.

Learn from my mistake friends. Everyone says don’t tell anyone what you plan on naming your baby, but I thought our families aren’t as douchey as they actually are.

My husband and I are not set on a name yet, but we’ve loved the name Duncan since we found out we were having a boy. My mom says people with think of the yoyo brand, to which I replied “yes mom the people who grew up with yoyos who will be dead before he’s old enough to care.”

Then naturally the “people will call him Duncan Donuts!!!” And they say it’s even worse because my husband and I are both cops (we’re Starbies people all day so no relation). To that one I just reply “there are worse nicknames” and “kids will come up with something to call him no matter what his name is, because kids are assholes.”

My mom’s best friend said Duncan sounds like the name of a kid who will get beat up in highschool. Well Karen maybe it’s people like you who are the problem if you hear a child’s name and automatically think of violence??

If we name him Duncan we will more than likely call him Duncan Donuts or Donut or something anyway just because honestly, they’re kinda cute nicknames. So I’m not at all concerned with people calling him that in an attempt to bully him, it’ll literally already be his nickname so like, nice try Brayden and Braxtyn.

I just needed to vent. And to anyone else dealing with this and having people say their kid will get picked on, we have control of how our children are raised. We can’t control the dickheads other people raise. But we can help mold our littles’ minds to make them strong and resilient. We can also teach them compassion and that someone who bullies them is someone who is hurting and unhappy with themselves. And then worst case scenario we can also teach them a mean right hook (sarcasm. Maybe.)

End rant🙃