To gender reveal or not to gender reveal

FTM here. I am 10.5 weeks pregnant and I planning on telling my close girlfriends when I’m around 13 weeks at a girls’ night (We haven’t seen each other in a while due to holiday traveling so it’s been sort of easy to hide up to now).

Hubby and I have ordered a sneak peek gender test and the kit should get here this week. So we will know the baby’s predicted sex at that point. Should we tell friends that we are expecting a baby and that it’s a boy or a girl, or should we keep it a secret and do some sort of special reveal later?

We are debating telling others the sex of the baby in case we wanted to do a gender reveal, but if anything it will be a very small casual affair with immediate family, not a big full-blown party. We also have not yet told our grandparents (we’re waiting to open that can of worms until after first trimester is over🤣). Our parents and siblings and my best friend are the only other people who know about the pregnancy at this point. We are still unsure if/when to announce on social media as neither of us post often.

So….if you knew the baby’s sex by the time you told people, did you tell them that you were having a boy or girl, or just that you were having a baby? Did you do a big gender reveal or individual ones for special people in your lives?