Usage of the Library of Babel for Piracy.
Salutations malefactors. I‘ve had something plaguing my mind for the past few days, and I’m curious as to what you all’s opinions on it are. If one were to enter the entirety of a book, broken down into 3200 word portions of course, into the Library of Babel website, locate each and every one of these book fractions, and the record them all with some algorithm that uses hyperlinks to each individual page, couldn’t you then just give that out to people?? You would then have a website that contained the entirety of any piece of literature that you could ever want, free to see on The Library of Babel. It would require someone to manually find all of these book scraps and piece them together, but it could still be done, no?? Especially if you were to created an algorithm to:
1: Divide a book into 3,200 segments.
2: Search up each segment.
3: Write down that segments location with a link to it.
Since all of the books are already there, we’d just have to search them up. Then, people without access to that book could just look up your website and have the book for free online. Just click each link and it’ll lead you to the next page!