Do you have any rules to keep safe?

I'm currently creating a little workbook for myself full of different exercises and "rules" and ways to deal with emotiona disregulation. Something to help me grow, understand my feelings, behavioural patterns and triggers better. To prepare so things don't get as bad as they have been for the last few weeks. I have these five "rules" so far:
1. Take your meds. Whatever happens, take your meds.
2. No drinking. You know what happens. Don’t drink.
3. No recreational drugs. Just don’t. You’ve been there. DON’T.
4. Keep a diary. A journal. A mood diary. Whatever works for you to keep track of your mood swings, your triggers and so on.
5. Take a breath before you do anything related to acting on your feelings. (see exercises).

Do you guys have any rules like that?