List of Embarrassingly pathetic issues with this update for some dev to maybe read
Not only have they not fixed: • clan tags being unchangeable and displaying incorrectly • levels displaying incorrectly • prestige 12 glitch • class bugs, of which there are too many to list • settings changing upon restart • etc But now there is: • Issues playing with friends due to “being on different versions of the game” • genuinely unplayable, gameplay debilitating lag spikes unrelated to your internet connection • seizure inducingly fast loading screen flashes both in after action reports and cod hq • more new class bugs
This game is fucking pathetic. I am level 300 and have seen it all with this game and I was really really hoping for some quality fixes with this update considering the size it was to instal and the constant complaints from players across every inch of the internet. How in the literal shit does this company rake in millions monthly and they cannot fix ABSOLUTELY FUCKING ANYTHING AT ALL. WHERE IS THE MONEY GOING IF NOT TO MORE DEVELOPERS TO FIX THE DOGSHIT BROKEN GAME. i am sick and tired of how terrible this game is. mw3 developers were able to handle hackers, keep warzone in check and healthy, provide a fun ranked experience, release exciting new content weekly, and optimized their game to run -okay- on the disgustingly slow servers cod god ceos allocate for them so they can save more dimes to shove up their greedy asses. i dont know who to hate more. the devs themselves? treyarch? microsoft? who fucking cares bro a new game will come out in october or some shit.