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Hey, everybody. I'm new here and I have quite a lot of questions. Thank you to everyone who can possibly answer me. I noticed the cramps about a month ago. They're almost everywhere. Legs, both calf and thigh, in my hands, up o down in my hands. I have a hotspot on my left hand, in the muscle that moves the little finger - abductor digiti minimi - it twitches all the time, every time I pull my fingers inwards towards my palm it twitches. I get twitches in my back and even in my butt. I saw a neurologist and he tested the reflexes and strength and everything seems fine. He recommended blood draws for mineral levels and possibly an EMG just to be sure. I don't have any weakness, the only thing I feel is my left leg is a bit weaker, it was quite painful a month ago in the calf area to the point where it made my left testicle hurt. Now in the calf I sometimes feel a sort of slightly painful tugging when I move, like a tendon pulling or something. I've also been having various pains in my arms and legs lately, kind of non-specific, more like a burning or light electrifying pain. I'm 33 years old, white, from the Czech Republic.