Some things my *** neuro told me
I went to my second opinion neuro on 2nd of January, he did a very complete physical exam and told me: I dont see ANY sign for now that is pointing towards ***. I am 34 and have been twitching for 4 months now, and have a weak tongue and more saliva since 2 months.
I was wondering your thoughts about Some things we discussed:
- I told him about the groups of BFS People online, which also see a link to COVID and the COVID vaccine. He acted a bit surprised and told me no proven link exists for now.
- I am terribly scared for bulbair, he told me that in MOST cases the person itself doesnt notice the change in speech (but others do)
- hé told me that patients with the big bad are mostly very positive despite the terrible diagnose. hypothetically speaking he said that it seems maybe they arent always fully aware of the situation. Especially in the early stages, It often takes them by surprise.
- of course when he went looking for the twitches, there wasnt any to be found. He said its a Good thing too?
- he laughed a bit about People taking magnesium when started twitching… I was surprised by that
- he didnt offer a blood analysis, which I think is strange too.
- he DID say he understands that when you get neurological symptoms (I have slurred speech without others noticing) he understands you get anxious. Told me about a colleague that went to see him being scared because he/she got twitching.
Especially his reaction to a possible link with COVID I think is very strange. Because I believe a Lot of cases are , for some part, triggered by covid. Even the anxiety I believe… I think we dont know a lot about covid yet.