Any information on inflammation correlation?
Hi fellow BFS folks,
I'm curious as to any information or results others have found with BFS and it's relationship to inflammatory disease(s). I have a sneaking suspicion that the BFS is caused by an autoimmune response causing inflammation in the body and cutting off neuropathic pathways via compression (or something to that effect). This is also my original neurologist's diagnosis when mine started in 2019.
My personal reason for this hypothesis is that I currently suffer from other ailments that are related to inflammation: chronic allergies (sinus and atopic dermatitis) and fibromyalgia joint pain/stiffness. Also because every blood test and scan has come back clean.
I'm hoping to adjust my lifestyle and diet to be more focused on anti-inflammatory foods based on Mediterranean-style diets. If that's successful, I will definitely share results.
Anyway, would love to open the floor to other thoughts and ideas. Thanks for your time!