Does anyone else (outside the us) feel that minigames aren’t worth it?
I had 8 wins, clearly enough to keep me in the standings for top 500 but not even close to top 100. I spent 16AB to get those wins, meaning in an hour, quite a stressful hour, I won 17AB. I know, I know, it’s better than nothing but.. What has to change in order to make this a little more worth the casual players time? Is it based on the amount of people playing and adding to the pot or is it purely a location thing like the ad revenue? Even an extra 10AB for getting top 100 in your province would be nice! I don’t like to complain about this game, I love it, but this does frustrate me!
I had 8 wins, clearly enough to keep me in the standings for top 500 but not even close to top 100. I spent 16AB to get those wins, meaning in an hour, quite a stressful hour, I won 17AB. I know, I know, it’s better than nothing but.. What has to change in order to make this a little more worth the casual players time? Is it based on the amount of people playing and adding to the pot or is it purely a location thing like the ad revenue? Even an extra 10AB for getting top 100 in your province would be nice! I don’t like to complain about this game, I love it, but this does frustrate me!