Is the UK litter problem solvable?
I’ve noticed a fair few posts recently across local and UK subs talking about litter and rubbish on the streets of our towns, cities and countrysides. Where I live, I feel it is pretty bad, and I go litter picking most days around my local area to help out, but inevitably the following day, more litter is there and it almost feels like picking it up is a futile act. Is this just how things are going to be from now on? Litter strewn streets due to the selfish attitude of people that decide it’s OK to litter, mixed with local authorities being stretched meaning that litter collecting comes lower and lower on their priorities? We have some amazing local community groups that do big litter picks and it’s great we still have people that want to ensure our communities are clean and tidy but even with these, it feels like a fart in a hurricane when up against the amount of litter that I see on my travels around my city.
Ultimately it is a people problem, if people didn’t do it then it wouldn’t be an issue, so is there any hope that this will improve in the future?