I Cheated, should I confess?

I'm a 22 y/o freshman at a community college who has repeated and failed 5 courses and withdrawn from 5 or so and sitting on a barely sub 2.0 gpa where during my first 2 full time semesters I had genuine near straight A's. I have taken 2 very challenging corresponding science courses and have used chegg and other resources to cheat and even the pressure of my other coarses. Many answers on both assignments and exams were submitted using those resources with purposeful differing answers to hopefully throw them off. Some of the questions are blatantly incorrect that were copied from chegg, and as such there is a higher probability of them being seen.

Admittedly, I had done this at the 25% coarse mark to help with concepts, but let it get out of hand for an over reliance on cheated material. The semester will be over in a couple months and the final exam is coming up. The reality of my egregious and blatant academic dishonesty has finally set it in. I blatantly cheated many times, and if I'm caught I will likely be expelled and many pieces of my life will fall into disarray. I'm not making excuses for myself, except the evening of course load I suppose, but that only applies to the first few assignments.

Now, I'm wondering if I should admit fault for the many, many questions I have plagiarized before the very likely outcome of getting caught comes to pass. I feel like and most likely am a horrible person and a worse student for throwing away so many academics opportunities given to me and am now looking for any input, advice, anything harsh or not to give me more perspective. I fucked up, and if the worse comes to pass- which it very likely will, my life will be over in more ways than one.