How do I drive him crazy?

Right let’s cut a long story short I was seeing this guy two years ago we fell for each other hard but had to break up due to distance and medical issues.

So we’ve kept in touch and I mean really keep in touch text/voice note everyday and video call twice month for about three hours at time. I pretty sure we both have feeling but both of us have been seeing other people and talked about it with each other (he’s kind of a womaniser) and I’ve seen a couple people but nothing serious.

So basically I’ve moved back to his side of the world and he’s coming to see me in March for about two/ three weeks. He’s currently got a casual thing going on with a girl but recently told me she wants something more. They’ve only just started dating and after this week he won’t see her till April. Buttt when he told me my heart kind of broke and I sort of asked him to stop the conversation about it because I felt weird.

So please help me how do I make him want me when he comes to see me in March. I really think we’re close to having something again but I’m stressing about this situation. I plan on holding out on sleeping with him because one I don’t want to be the other woman in the situation. Right now we are just friends but I know deep down we are more. Also I don’t know if this is relevant but he’ll be spending his birthday with me.