Why are men not interested in being protectors.
This has been the biggest mystery to me for a long time. I’m a male, I see as my number 1 function to protect those around me especially my family and friends. My wife is the most precious thing to me in the world. I can’t imagine not desiring the ability to defend her. I train both firearms, martial arts, skills, etc. keep in mind I work in the private mil sector so I have a heavy background. But I offer training and information completely free to essentially anyone I meet. It’s simply to valuable to not.
But the vast majority of guys simply couldn’t care less, they’ll say stuff like oh yah that’s so cool I want to get a gun. Then buy some pos 300$ Taurus, go out with me one time and then don’t even fucking carry it cause it’s not super comfy. Like what? The world is hella dangerous the chances that you are involved in a violent altercation is actually fairly high and having the ability to defend the one most vulnerable and precious to you or to others isn’t worth a weekend of training a month a first aid kit and 12oz gun in your waistband. The cost is so so low for such a potentially astronomical reward.
On one hand I simply write people like this off and lose respect for them, but I’m trying to understand why these men are like this. Can anyone who does understand help me?
Edit: lots of responses, I used the instance of a gun as an example. It required 4-5 hours of effort out of my month, even though guns are also my work the vast majority of the people who know me know me as an avid rock climber, backpacker, motorcycle rider, or country dancer. That’s what I spend my life doing. The important stuff. I’m not mad that people don’t think like I do, I just don’t understand people who say they would do anything to protect their loved ones, but a few hours a month in training to safely handle and use a firearm seems to much?