Men of Reddit, How has intimacy with older women at a young age impacted you?
Some current events brought up this discussion and I was curious about the sheer number of young men that were teens or younger when they slept with women 21+
Most guys I’ve spoken to seem to brag about it, or disregard it in media. I’m shocked that they are not more upset that it’s not being addressed socially. I’ve argued that “cougar” is a horrible euphemism for women who prey on younger men. They think I am overreacting, but I don’t have any proof that it actually negatively affects them. It’s also not my place to tell people they are victims or that they have trauma, especially if I might be wrong.
So here is your chance to steer me on the right path: do you think this is an issue? Does it traumatize men? If so, why don’t some men acknowledge that? Do you feel the same way about big age gaps even after the man is 18?