What to do?

I thought to stop by to ask for advice.

(19M) Currently preparing myself to move out from my Nfamily into my college hostel without their acknowledgement.

Problems: - They know where my college is - They might come and force me back

I have a Plan B, if everything went horribly wrong: - I can drop out of college - I can move out from my current town to another - And start a new life there and restart my college again

Money is not a problem since I can pay off the "other" college all by myself. (I'm taking loan for my current college) But I tried to avoid changing college since I will be alone and I need every bit of money.

My current main problem: - Should I move into college's hostel or rent somewhere else (I already found a cheap one)

I can defense myself from Nfamily but it might rise questionable manner surrounding my classmate and my roommate, since our culture value "Family first..." (Asian)