Asian parenting often creates insecure and unprepared adult women
I know there’s a lot of discussion on Asian male incels, but I would like to share my observation of Asian females who share a similar mindset.
A lot of Asian girls are seen as less than men in Asian society, so growing up, the Asian parents are harder on the girls. In addition, a lot of traditional values get pushed onto the girl. Mix that with growing up in a western society, the result is sometimes a woman who can’t thrive in her surroundings.
In my own experience, I was always in this juxtaposing placement of Asian modesty and western culture. I often thought my white classmates were “slutty” for showing too much skin. But I did a lot of reflecting and realized my way of thinking was wrong. In addition my parents basically prevented me from the childhood and development that my white peers got.
Recently I’ve noticed that a lot of adult Asian women are still expected to care for their parents, especially the ones who never bothered to learn English and still need the girl to translate everything for them. More on unpreparedness, a lot of asian women are forced into unfulfilling careers and cannot climb up, creating this constant cycle of thinking they’re not good enough.
In terms of insecurity, a lot of them see how much better white families have it and still want to fit in better with white people so they go marry a white person (APs encourage this because a lot of them like white features on their grandkids). I know how the white guy asian woman relationship dynamic is being pointed out nowadays and I wanna add that APs fuel this.
This combination of insecurity and unpreparedness can basically create femcels (using this term loosely) who have a very negative view of others who live less traditionally out of jealousy.