House of Dragons

UNS 25T Stainless steel canister filter ES150 mini Finnex LED (white, red, blue) CO2Art Pro Elite

Dragon stones Dragon Driftwood Sand UNS black controsoil

Pangolino Anubias Anubias white Anubias stardust mini Anubias chili mini Bucephalendra Catherinae green Bucephalendra Catherinae Mini Green Crepidomanes Auriculatum Fern Hymenophyllaceae sp. Wayanad Rotala Narrow Leaf sp. red Cryptocoryne Parva mini Mini Fissiden moss Fissiden Miroshika Fissiden Bucephalendra Mini pellia

CPD Pygmy Cories Bloody Mary shrimps Bee Nerites

2 months DSM of fissiden moss variety on dragon driftwood. 7 months flooded. Since majority of the plants are slow growers it took some time to balance light and water condition. Finally able to eradicate algae but I will need to start dosing as I see stagnant growth with Anubias. The wood is propped up with dragon rocks creating a cave network with a hole that leads up to the extensive tunnel system inside the wood above cave. Looking to add 3 khuli loaches to traverse the tunnel system.