M5 extruder issues

So, i posted earlier about my M5 extruder failing. It will make a grinding noise and the extruder stops spitting out filament. It's not a clog or tangled filament. So Ankermake support has been very helpful. They sent me a new extruder (weather delayed it 2 weeks) it got here yesterday and I installed it and I printed a small test 30 minute print. Went great. So I psent a 2 hour print to it and went to shoot pool. I checked on it via the camera and it had stopped extruding with about 20 minutes left. Same issue with the new print head. Same noise, same lack of extrusion.

On my previous post about this issue someone commented that he had this issue and it turned out to be the USB cable. So this morning I hit the extrude button, the nozzle hit 200c and I get the grinding noise with no extrusion. I hit the extrude button again and this time I wiggled the USB cand going to the extruder and low and behold it started extruding and the grinding went away. Mind you this cable is held in by 2 screws so it's not a loose connection. There has to be a short in the cable best I can figure. So it's intermittent. It will be fine and mid print short out and the printer keeps printing but nothings coming out the nozzle.

AM support has been very good. They sent me emails every other day, while the print head was in FedEx hell for 2 weeks, apologizing for the delay. Ive asked for an expedited cable, I'm not waiting 2 weeks again, or I'm chucking this thing out into the snowball outside.

So, i posted earlier about my M5 extruder failing. It will make a grinding noise and the extruder stops spitting out filament. It's not a clog or tangled filament. So Ankermake support has been very helpful. They sent me a new extruder (weather delayed it 2 weeks) it got here yesterday and I installed it and I printed a small test 30 minute print. Went great. So I psent a 2 hour print to it and went to shoot pool. I checked on it via the camera and it had stopped extruding with about 20 minutes left. Same issue with the new print head. Same noise, same lack of extrusion.

On my previous post about this issue someone commented that he had this issue and it turned out to be the USB cable. So this morning I hit the extrude button, the nozzle hit 200c and I get the grinding noise with no extrusion. I hit the extrude button again and this time I wiggled the USB cand going to the extruder and low and behold it started extruding and the grinding went away. Mind you this cable is held in by 2 screws so it's not a loose connection. There has to be a short in the cable best I can figure. So it's intermittent. It will be fine and mid print short out and the printer keeps printing but nothings coming out the nozzle.

AM support has been very good. They sent me emails every other day, while the print head was in FedEx hell for 2 weeks, apologizing for the delay. Ive asked for an expedited cable, I'm not waiting 2 weeks again, or I'm chucking this thing out into the snowball outside.