Guy pulled out a gun on me this morning.

I did an AM route. Get to my 8th stop and I get off, turn my headlamp on and turn my hazards on. I ALWAYS try to be as visible as possible. I walk up to the porch and drop off the package, as I’m getting back into my car I hear a man yell “WHATS GOING ON!?” So I yell back, hey I’m dropping off your Amazon package. He’s shining a flashlight at me so I can’t quite see him. He yells “STAY THERE!”.

He walks around to his front porch, ( he came out of the side it was dark so I couldn’t see very well) and goes to his front porch. He starts screaming about how it’s too early and who goes out at this hour so I just got in my car and left. As he’s walking back I see him turn off his flashlight and put his gun into a holster.

This shit is crazy, like this is the 3rd time it’s happened to me. The shit to me that is so wild is that it’s a country route. Like you really think people gonna drive 30 mins out of the city to come steal you 10 dollar Amazon package? Fuck dude.

Seriously, if people are so fragile to be so worried about people breaking into their house they shouldn’t be ordering shit. Get it mailed to a locker or have it be dropped off by your fence. All these customers put in the boonies always have notes about how they want their shit delivered to their doorstep and then they pull this shit. It’s like they want a reason to pull the trigger on someone.

Fucking BS!