Raspberry Pi 5 > Algorand node vs Aust-one-click-node
TLDR: I have a PI5 with 4 cores and 8G memory running Unbuntu 24.04.1 off a 500G USB SSD supporting an Algorand non-relay, non-archival, participating node. I have my minimum 30K Algo in my Wallet and now I am waiting for rewards to start. ("Early December", right?). Below are some performance number from the glances CLI tool.
John Woods said that you can run a node on a Raspberry Pi - and apparently, you can! The docs found in the Dev portal have good instructions that worked on Testnet on Unbuntu 24.10... So far so good: I have a node running on a Pi5 with Unbuntu 24.10 and a 500G USB3.2 SSD.
I tried utterly failed to compile the Aust-one-click-node from source (The Pi5 is ARM and the Aust builds are x86 or MAC). It seems like the source contains references to a private git repository!
npm ERR! fatal: unable to access 'https://gitlab.probsttech.com/algoseas/libs.git/': Could not resolve host: gitlab.probsttech.com
Anyone have comments or advice?
The Algorand node is working but it is brutal to manage at the CLI.
UPDATE - Dec 10
Still working on it. I have a stable node running on a PI5 with Ubuntu 24.04.1 installed with the Raspberry Pi imager. The reason I have been quiet is that the first install ran for 5 days then crashed. Long story short - I needed to strip down the OS. The crashes seemed to be coming from display drivers. Its been stable for 5 days++ now, minus GNOME, xrdp, vnc, etc. All command line. Tools like htop, glances and nload are great for monitoring via SSH.
Also learned that the PI 5 can comfortably run a non-participating, non-archival node with a load average of about 0.6 = pretty low across 4 cores = about 15%. While the node is "catching up" it will run flat out for an hour or so. Average node bandwidth is 1.5Mbps in steady state. I also hardwired the Ethernet. I think wifi instability generated some hangs on the algod daemon.
Sticking point.
I have generated a participation key and the participation transaction, but now I need to sign it. This is where I am sort of stuck because I prefer hardware wallets and when I tried to connect it to the PI 5 I saw lots of partitions (fdisk -l) but no data even when unlocked. the "goal wallet list" did not see anything either.
Still getting lots of useful insight from https://www.reddit.com/r/algorand/comments/u4rq26/supplemental_guide_to_running_a_participation/But the instructions and the OS are out of date, so this is more like clues that directions. (Excellent work nonetheless).
Next I will see about installing a secondary node on my Macbook for the purposes of just connecting my hardware wallet to the the "goal clerk sign" functions and then transferring the signed participation transaction back to the working node, for submission. (As per the above link and guide)
Or, I think I can create a new wallet with "goal wallet new" on the working node, with a new Address, and then send that address the Algo I want to stake for participation (30,000+). But of course I dont want to keep the private keys on a device that is connected to the internet (like a node!).
Any advice from the community would be appreciated. I will update again.
UPDATE Dec 12 - fully functional node on PI5
I now have the node fully configured and ready for rewards consensus.
What went wrong when trying to sign the participation key (partkey) with my Ledger Live:
- Ledger Live app (I use a HW wallet) does not support ARM - but does support Linux
-QEMU is a x86 emulator for ARM - I tried to install it on the PI5 but got jammed up in library errors, so abandoned the approach.
Ultimately, I created a second node on a dev system using Unbuntu 20.04 (it was already installed), got it fully sync'd to mainnet using "Catchup" and then installed Ledger Live.
Followed the procedures here I could finally sign the "changeonlinestatus" transaction. It took me a few tries because the 1000 block window you have between creating the TX with "changeonlinestatus" , move it to the dev system, sign it, move it back, and send it not generous when you move between systems.
(Ledger Live on Linux works, but the command "goal wallet list" kept throwing kdm errors and would not find my Ledger, until I shutdown Ledger Live and ran the "goal wallet list" command and THEN it found my Ledger - for a few minutes. It was probably my mistake, but there was something with the Ledger application that seem to impact the communication with "goal" tools. once I shut it down the drivers in memory seemed to function... I dunno. It worked, ok?)
Once the signed transaction was submitted with "goal clerk rawsend" command - everything worked from there - I think.