Why do I stay

I tried to set boundaries, it didn't work because alcoholism and narcissism are a really s***** combination. He always makes it about 4 days in those 4 days. He's angry because he's not drinking so he takes things out on me that are ridiculous and little, and then day four. He drinks thinks he's happier until around midnight when he comes in and starts yelling and cursing and belittling and name calling etc. Until sometimes 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning. Then wakes up the next morning. Can't remember any of it. He's sorry and then moves on. And then when I'm upset about it I need to just move on.

I literally tried leaving 2 weeks ago. He begged me to stay and threatened suicide. I told him one more chance but the next time he talks to me like that I'm done. I know he can't quit till cold turkey. He's been drinking since he was 16. Pat vulgar horrible thing was he says I don't know why I take it. I really wish I could just say f*** you and leave. I go to an Al-Anon meeting every week, I start therapy on Tuesday, and I just got a book called codependent. No more which I heard is extremely helpful. I'm hoping in all of that I can somehow find my confidence and courage to do. What I know is the right decision and leave. We have a 5-year-old and a 7-year-old and they are catching on very quickly, that is the last thing I want and it scares me. I don't know what I wanted from this. Tonight was his fourth night and he drank and it wasn't pretty. I guess I just needed to vent.