A (very) pretty college girl is flirting with me, but appears to have a boyfriend

So, the situation is this: I'm a 48M creative professional. I was recently invited to be a guest speaker for her college class. She approached me afterward, was definitely flirty, and asked for my info so she could "ask me more questions." I gave her my number (why not, I'm not a professor) and put it out of my mind.

The next day, she texts me, we begin a friendly "on-topic" conversation that quickly (at her initiative) becomes more familiar. Within a few days she's asking me for opinions about her new bikini, with pictures from front and back angles. (She looks stunning.)

To butcher Dylan, I don't need a weathervane to see which way this wind is blowing.

Now here's the thing: I've googled her, found her IG page, and she appears to have a college-age boyfriend. He's in recent pics with her. I'm not sure whether I should bring this up with her, or just leave it be and enjoy the ride. Curious for your perspectives!