Community reminder...

If your order is over 30 days old and you've not received a shipping confirmation nor an updated shipping time along with an option for a refund, let your voice be heard. You can do something. Click this link and fill out the FTC complaint form. Sadly, Aero Precision is in violation of consumer protection laws and has not taken the steps to get back into compliance.

Disclaimer: This post is meant educate consumers on their rights. Please keep in mind that multiple FTC complaints against Aero Precision could potentially result in severe civil fines and penalties towards Aero Precision. Use your own discretion when filing complaints with the FTC.

*Message to the moderator, the self-proclaimed "Aero Precision Reddit Overlord:" nothing in this post, nor in my prior removed post violates community guidelines or this subreddit's rules. Reddit rules on transparency and Free Speech prohibit removing posts for commercial interest and, as such, fall under "moderator misconduct." If you want me to take this post down, I'd rather you contact me and we can talk about it. If you unilaterally decide to take it down, I will report your misconduct.

Disclosure: Other than being a customer with an outstanding order beyond 30 days, I have no commercial interests in the successes or failures of Aero Precision LLC.