First appointment coming up! Some questions ☺️
Hey everyone!
New to this sub, but thinking it’s going to become a very useful place for me! I had my first over the phone dermatology appointment yesterday, and my derm has referred me to the hospital to (hopefully) go an accutane.
I have a few questions! Firstly, I know they ask you to go on birth control, but I was wondering whether they ask for any proof? I’m not in a relationship, and I’m not sleeping with anybody nor do I have any plans to go out and meet anybody and even hug them never mind sleep with them due to Coronavirus and my twin (who I live with) being high risk - so aside from medical appointments and work I’m shielding. I’ve been on birth control in the past but always had awful side effects on my mood and such on, so I was hoping to skip the contraception, would this be okay? Obviously if I did meet anybody, and planned on starting a sexual relationship, I would go straight onto birth control but it’s just highly unlikely.
Secondly, will they prescribe the accutane there and then at my first appointment? I need to book a blood test with my GP but I’m waiting for the referral letter to come through.
I’d love to hear anybody’s experience with their first accutane appointment, and also how they’re finding their course, and any tips or must have products to combat any of the side effects!
I’m excited and hoping I see a positive difference. Thank you everyone 😌
(I’m in the UK)