ABF customer; Ciena 3930 + BGW320-500 + latency

We have gigabit AT&T Business Fiber (ABF) service. There is a Ciena 3930 on premise, connected optically to a BGW320-500. That optical connection is 1000BASE-LX using wavelength 1310nm and the connector handle is blue. We have both a private network behind NAT, and a few public facing IP addresses. This is includes a public facing webserver handling about 75 queries per second. Everything is configured via BGW320. The public IP addresses have a fixed allocation based on MAC address.

Like many here, latency with the BGW320-500 is a problem, despite the NAT table only containing about 1500 entries. As a business customer we called up support and they said they could put the Ciena 3930 in IP passthrough mode, removing the BGW320-500 entirely. Sounds great, time to prepare.

So I bought a router today, a TP-Link ER605v2 and started configuring. Maybe I just can't figure it out, but it looks to me like it has no equivalent to the BGW320 "Public Subnet" feature. It almost seems allergic to the idea; asking the router's DHCP server to assign a public IP addresses produces an error.

So I'm asking for advice here.

  1. Am I wrong about the ER605v2, and should keep trying to find an equivalent of "Public Subnet" ?
  2. Should I try a different router, and if so which one?
  3. Should I give up on having the router assign the public facing IP addresses, and instead configure them on the client? If so, should I add switch between the router and the Ciena and connect there? Or can I expect all four of the ethernet ports on the Ciena to be active, and therefore I can effectively treat the Ciena as the switch?
  4. Or something else? This is not my area of expertise and I am just trying to escape this latency nightmare.