Trade-in promotion contract wording change that causes bill credit stopping if phone installment is paid off early?

ATT is currently offering up to $1000 in bill credits if buying an iPhone 16 and you trade in an smartphone. I have been trying to figure out whether bill credits will stop coming in when a phone installment is paid off early. Answers have been conflicting on Reddit and even when talking to ATT (corporate retail store employees claim bill credits will stop if phone is paid off early, calling ATT sales/support says otherwise).

I made a post here to clarify: What is the official answer to: Pay off phone early, do bill credits continue? : r/ATT

However, I just took a look at the "Device Trade-in Receipt" I was handed when I traded my phone in and the contract is actually quite clear:

In lieu of Instant Credit or a Promotional Card, you may also qualify for specific promotional offers whereby monthly bill credits are applied to the monthly device installment with the purchase of an eligible device on a qualifying installment agreement and trade-in of a qualifying device. Bill credits will be applied monthly over the installment agreement term. Bill credits may not appear until 2 or 3 bill cycles after you trade-in your device. Failure to comply with the terms of the applicable installment plan agreement(s) will result in loss of credits. If you payoff the installment balance early or you trade-in and upgrade your device early, the bill credits will stop.

Despite the question of "if I pay off my phone early do bill credits continue" being frequently asked and many answers of "yes" and "no", the answer seems quite clear in the contract.

Because of this, I am thinking either:

  1. People are getting different contracts and the contracts they are getting determine whether the bill credits stop
  2. Contract wording has recently changed and future trade-ins will all have the stipulation that early payoff results in bill credits stopping
  3. Contract wording has always been this, but there is some bug in their software that allows users to continue receiving bill credits even after early payoff

Is there anyone here paid off their phone early AND continued to receive bill credits AND still has their "Device Trade-in Receipt"? I would love to hear whether you have the same contract verbiage as what I quoted above.

As a note, the "Device Trade-in Receipt" looks like the following:

  • Big letters at center-top of page saying "Device Trade-in Receipt"
  • Top left of page has a barcode, invoice number, date, and quantity
  • A table with columns "Item #", "Conditions", "Trade-in Value"
  • Terms and Conditions in small text