A.P. Bio and Community

I love both A.P. Bio and Community. And while they both are definitely their own things, the similarities are remarkable.

  • A disgraced, good-looking man is knocked down a peg in society, to a school they feel is beneath them

  • The head of the school is super into him

  • In the room there is a goody two shoes (Annie / Sarika), a jock (Troy / Dan Decker), and a nerd who picks up what he’s putting down (Abed / Heather).

  • Jack / Jeff is estranged from his father who abandoned him

  • They decide to do an homage to a police procedural (Lupine Theory / Janet Fist)

  • Despite taking place in schools, no actual learning takes place in AP Bio at Whitmore or Study Room F at Greendale

  • Both schools have Sadie Hawkins dances

What else am I missing? I’m not criticizing; I just think it’s cool to see the same DNA in both shows.