WIBTA if I divorce my husband?
I’ll try to condense as much as possible.
My husband is great about a lot of things but never appreciates me. Nothing is ever good enough. He thinks he says things in harmless or joking ways but even the little things add up (like “next time you make that recipe you should…” translation he didn’t like it) and it’s literally everything. He doesn’t help clean the house but the house isn’t clean enough, so on and so forth.
Long story short on his job- he has the kind that you don’t need a degree and you can work your way up because experience gives you more knowledge about the processes than book learning. He makes almost 70k a year. He’s as high up as he can go for now. Any higher gets into the management and business side of things which needs a degree. The guys that have those degrees and positions have never done the grunt work so they make crappy decisions that he always has to fix. But they make him feel stupid and treat people without degrees like they are worthless. He has this warped mindset as a result that he knows more than people who went to college and that degrees mean nothing, but applied to any and every job field out there.
I was in the medical field when we met, but the schedule was never conducive to my oldest daughter’s needs. When we got married and had another child, I left to do education instead.
Today, he told me college degrees are worthless. My degrees mean nothing. I have a bachelors and an associates and am one semester away from having a masters. He doesn’t mind the 4K a month I bring in as opposed to making minimum wage somewhere with a schedule that doesn’t work with kids, but has the nerve to tell me my degree means nothing.
To me, a degree isn’t just about knowledge. It’s about opportunity. Without that degree, I’d be struggling to work at whatever job I could find that works with my kids because we have no one for childcare and they’re too old for daycare but too young to stay alone.
With my degree, my schedule matches theirs always, they have great insurance (which his job doesn’t give me or them) and my knowledge and experience in education gives me opportunities aside from simply teaching public school. But again, he says my degrees are worthless.
This all started because my oldest daughter’s dad is trying to deny her medical care that she needs based on his opinion that nothing is wrong with her because he can’t physically see her having symptoms (the symptoms are more of the feeling type and less of the seeing type) and I made the comment that he has no medical knowledge, training, or degree to make the decision that he’s going to prevent her getting testing and treatment for her issues. My husband then told me he doesn’t need one because degrees mean nothing. My response was for him to let any bum on the street take out his gallbladder since anyone can do it then.
He still thinks he’s right! That training and college mean nothing. I know they’re not necessary for every job, but they do have their value in some places (whereas my daughters is a neurological and pulmonary issue).
So, WIBTA if I divorce him for basically using me for my money while also telling me that everything I have accomplished is completely worthless?
Also adding- I apply for and get scholarships that far exceed the need of my schooling which means I get checks between 2-5k each semester and also will be getting about 10-12k between spring and summer this year. As soon as I told him that he’s suddenly saying, oh don’t quit! So now my degree means something? 🤔