I ended a 12 year friendship

I 20F have a friend 20F, we’ll call her H. We met when we were 8 and our dads were friends. We didn’t hang out much until we were around 11-12. Then we started hanging out a few weekends a month and most of the summers when she was at her dad’s (he lived 5 minutes from me). We stopped hanging out for about a year because my little sister was nearly graped by a man who rented a part of her dad’s house. My mom didn’t want me around them anymore. When we were 13 we started hanging out again. We hung out all the time until we were around 17, then we talked maybe every few months and hung out a few times a year. We’ve grown further and further apart these past few years. We live different lifestyles and she has lots of other friends. She likes to party and I’m a homebody who doesn’t drink or smoke much (I drink maybe once every few months). I don’t judge her whatsoever for the way she lives, it’s just not my scene. I’ve been reflecting, growing, and healing for the last year or so and I’ve realized she was my best friend but I wasn’t hers. I felt like the backup friend. She would usually text/ call when her other friends couldn’t hang out and she was bored. When national best friend’s day came around, she would post a lot of people, but never me (I’m aware that sounds childish). She wouldn’t post me on my birthday either, but she would post others. All of this together just made me feel really crappy about myself and I realized we majorly grew apart. Recently, she voted for trump. She has been a major trump supporter since his first term. This was the catalyst to make me realize I didn’t want our friendship anymore. We haven’t spoken since the election results, but she recently texted me about her 21st bday party. I told her I felt like our friendship had run its course and I couldn’t see past our differing political views. I told her it was all on me and I wished her the best in life. She responded by saying wow that’s crazy and then screenshotted our texts. I’m wondering if I’m TA or overreacting. Any advice would be appreciated.