How do you *physically* feel on your stimulant medication? (First day on Concerta)
TL;DR? Please describe how you physically feel on stimulants? Do you get any particular sensations or feelings?
Hi folks,
It’s my first day on Concerta 18mg! Very exciting.
It’s been going really well – no nasty side effects so far. I got three things done in the morning and forgot about lunch till 1pm (I normally eat at 11-12am). After 2pm, I got distracted and got nothing work related done.
I’m not feeling anything in particular physically. When I sit down and don’t do anything, I have some of that nice quietness in my head (I tried nicotine tablets briefly before so I got my woah nelly moment before actual meds.) Nicotine gave me a kind of a tightness in my neck and a tingly feeling in my throat. My vision also improved. So some good, some bad physical effects.
I’m not really feeling anything physically right now. 18mg of Concerta is a “children’s dose” according to my psych, and we likely need to adjust the dose.
What does it feel like for you, physically? Mentally I seemed to get some effects but I have no idea what to expect physically.
Thank you for your help!
Edit: Huge thanks to everyone again! Also, the honeymoon phase is real – got all my work done in three hours today (I’m not used to planning for efficiency), then proceeded to do a basket of laundry and clean the bathroom. Zero side affects, just feeling normal otherwise. Wow. If even half of this sticks, I’m a happy camper.