Switched to Midlane and Tanks are still OP💀
So I was playing Vladimir Mid into TK the other day. I didn’t know it was TK mid, so I took Aery instead of Grasp. laning goes really well as it get 2/3 of his HP off by level 3, but then he’s goes into my big ass minion wave and starts auto attacking me to death. I dodge his Q and he almost solo kills me in my stacked minion wave without ignite so I have to flash to live.
A few minutes later I pick up 3 kills in bot lane during a drag fight and I’m also at like 8.X cs/min so I get my rift maker and lucidity boots and get back to lane and get TK low enough that I think my jungler can get a free 300g mid, so he ganks and mind you, I have legendary and tier 2 boots, and TK has 2 giants belts. Noc ganks and he kills me with ignite but he missed 2 Qs, just auto attacking me to death. I died from nearly full HP bc a tank auto attacked me missing his abilities lol. And when he clears the wave his disgusting fat belly shield takes effect and he is almost 2/3 HP again.
Like Ngga wtf. I’m convinced all TK, Mundo, Maokai, Sion, and Cho mains are at least 6 Eli’s above their true rank if you can misplay this badly and ignore wave states and just simply auto attack champs to death. Mind you he’s also balanced as a support, so this a support tank doing this fucking bullshit. Like ik Vladimir isn’t the best champ rn, but he’s not so bad that champ diff would do this surely?