The existence of the average “citizen” of Commorragh is very sad and pathetic when you think about it.

For the average cloned citizen of Commorragh life is a constant struggle of the constant gnawing from She Who Thirsts on their souls. Not to mention the constant fight to survival against the other poor shlubs, monstrous being like Haemocului creations and warp creatures, and the higher ups who might kill you for the lark and seen you in a one way express to She Who Thirsts

It might not seem like it but the average Kabelite or Wych Cultist is in the top percentage of Commmoragan life.

Being able to go on Raids and taste on the fresh suffering of other races.

This is what the elites in Commoargh want. Because without it the poor might realize they outnumber does rich fucks.

The citizens of Commoargh are constantly told they are the best race and that the soul feeding makes them better than their weaker cousins.

This is to stop Dark Eldar from running away to join a Craftworld or Exoaite farming community.

The Ynnari movement has people like Vect and the Covens worried because it offers a new option away from the soul vampirism and following some Archon.