Different ways of optimizing spells known as a sorcerer?

So I currently have a level 12 abberant mind sorcerer. I rolled very good for stats, and I’ve ran good stat min max characters before (spoiler alert, it really isn’t as fun as you’d think) so I decided to flavor my stats to my characters abberant upbringing of being implanted with a mind flayer tadpole. So my mental statistics look very good (20 CHA 16 INT 15 WIS) to role play a mind flayery character.

Because of these good mental stats, I’ve looked into multiclasses of all the casters. And it got me thinking that a level 1-2 dip into another fullcaster could seriously help optimize the major problem of not having enough spells known as a sorcerer. The idea is this, with your level 1-2 dip, take every level 1 sorcerer spell that you have with your multiclass. From there, you’ll swap out those spells from sorcerer to your higher level sorcerer spell slots on level ups.

For me, my 1st level spells are shield, absorb elements, and mage armor. So if I grab those on let’s say wizard 1, I can now swap them out from my sorcerer spells into higher leveled spells on sorcerer level ups. I seriously like this because it’s very hard for me just picking 1 spell of 6th/7th/8th/9th level, especially 9th level cause of wish. Wish is too good not to pick, but psychic scream looks like it’s made for my guy, and other spells like globe of invulnerability I wouldn’t touch unless I could do this spell optimization strategy with a fullcaster dip.

Is there any other way apart from a multiclass I could optimize like this? A combination of feats to get staple DnD 1st level spells? And how much do you think this way of optimization really helps? At level 20 it’s juicy but 99.99% of every campaign isn’t at level 20.