Running actual games on the BadUpdate exploit

Hello, in this tutorial you'll elevate your skills when it comes to playing games with BadUpdate

OK but in all seriousness it's surprisingly easy to do it

all you'll need is

  1. "XexTool.exe" from the file on the BadUpdate github link
  2. An ISO format game
  3. XISO link
  4. "Rock Band Blitz" demo game file link

(Optional/Recommended) Remove any internet connection from your Xbox so you won't get banned

Step 1 - acquire the game you want. make sure it's in an ISO format

Step 2 - Use XISO to extract the game from the ISO format

This part is going to be pretty straightforward

  1. Download XISO
  2. Open XISO

Now that you have XISO open you can use this handy screenshot to have an easier time with further steps

  1. Click the "Choose ISO-folder" button and choose the folder that you have your ISO files stored in
  2. Click the "Choose destination" button and choose where you want the extracted games to be stored at
  3. This is the configuration that I'm using when using this tool but if you want you can check the "delete ISO" to have some more space on your drive. I personally don't do this just in case I frick up something in steps further along
  4. (IMPORTANT) Name your games. This will be the name of the folder with the game that you extracted. if you don't do this every game will be stored in the same folder
  5. Click the "GO" button and wait

Now you have your games in the folders. Now what?

Step 3 - Patch the game executables

This step is the most important one so buckle up

  1. Download the "" file and extract it
  2. Go into the "XePatcher" folder

Next steps will also have pictures so you'll know if you're doing ok. I'll be using "Minecraft" as an example

Create a copy of the .xex file. You can add ".original" after the name so it'll be easy to spot the non patched version

Place the .xex file in the "XePatcher" folder. This is how it should look like

In the address bar of the folder type

don't worry about the <user>. you will not need to do anything with it

This will open Command Prompt in the location of the folder

next type "XexTool.exe -m r -r a <name of the .xex file with the extansion>"

if you do everything correct you should get the same message as I do here

place the .xex file in the folder of the game and next part is going to be... hard idk you tell me

get yourself an USB drive (it should have at least 32GB of storage just to be sure)

For the next steps you'll need to install the BadExploit and run it on your console

  1. Tony Hawk version by MrMario2011 link
  2. Rock Band Blitz version by MrMario2011 link

I didn't expect that MrMario would do a video on Rock Band Blitz so quick. But you can still follow along here and tell me if I have said something wrong lol

The steps for both methods are extremely similar but the only difference is the cost factor

  1. Follow the MrMario2011 tutorial for both methods until the 6:06 mark. But I recommend watching further so you can setup apps you'll be running later on (Further steps are for rock band blitz)
  2. when opening the "" go into the folder called "Rock Band Blitz"
  3. Open your USB drive and make sure you have "show hidden files" checked
  4. delete the "content" folder from the USB drive and copy-paste the files from the "Rock Band Blitz" folder onto the USB drive
  5. In the root directory of the USB drive create a folder for your games and paste them there

Also, download the "Rock Band Blitz" demo and extract it. You should see a "contents" folder. Paste it into the root of the USB drive

Great, so that'll be over for the PC part. Now xbox

  1. Plug in your USB drive into the xbox
  2. Go into "Your games" and search for "Rock Band Blitz"
  3. Open the game and when it asks you to press "A" on your controller - do it
  4. When you see "Running Exploit" text set a timer for 20 mins. This exploit has a really small chance to work. If nothing happens after 20 mins reboot your xbox and try again
  5. If the game closes and a pop-up appears - HURRAY! you have "soft"modded you xbox (remember that if you reboot you'll need to do this all over again)
  6. You can now resume watching the video from the 17:44 mark

This is important. Don't run homebrew games on your main profile as it can get banned. But if you really want to run homebrew make a different profile with no LIVE account (Microsoft account)

This is what you need to do after you get into aurora to see your games in the dashboard

  1. Press "Start" on your controller
  2. Go into the "Content" tab
  3. Press the "Add" button below the "Manage paths"
  4. Select the path where you're storing your games
  5. Press save
  6. And press "Scan now"

Now congratulations! You have the ability to play downloaded games on your Xbox 360

And just a heads-up. GOD (Games On Demand) doesn't work. You can only run games with the method that I showed here

And I know some people will say "But aurora and other apps that are needed for this are homebrew. You said that you can't use them" and to that I say - Homebrew games that give achievements are a guaranteed way to get banned but take every precautions when running anything other than official x360 and Original Xbox games

And when it comes to Aurora and XexMenu - I've been using my xbox all day with those apps running and nothing happened

If you want to be sure you won't get banned just disconnect from your internet for the time you're using your xbox with BadUpdate and when you want to sync your achievements, reboot your console and connect to the internet

Have a great night (huh it's already 00:00 for me. damn. Gotta go to sleep i guess)